
In addition to the literature produced specifically for clients, BC’s experience as pioneers establishing and exploring mutually beneficial relationships between business, culture, the arts, and government have led to several landmark publications. The subject matter of these publications covers: the value of cultural investment in business, the importance of private investment in the country’s art and cultural heritage, the sharing of business acumen and artistic creativity, and the development of the cultural heritage management field. Publications include:

  • Valore Cultura published by Il Sole 24 ORE, 1999) a presentation of data and collected during the first two editions of the Impresa e Cultura Guggenheim Award, providing fundamental information necessary to exploring the field of cultural communication.

  • Porta lontano investire in cultura (Reaching far – Investing in culture published by Il Sole 24 ORE, 2000) contains the results of a survey of Italian businesses investing in culture commissioned by Bondardo Comunicazione to Astra and Demoskopea. The text provides sweeping data proving that investing in culture yields tangible results.

  • Collezionare Arte. Un’idea vincente per comunicare l’impresa, (Collecting Art. A winning way for business to communicate published by Il Sole 24 ORE, 2002) a guide for current and potential art-collector entrepreneurs, offering new ways to approach the art-business relationship.

  • Gestire la cultura (Managing culture, published by Il Sole 24 ORE, 2002) builds on the results of a survey carried out by the Istituto Luigi Sturzo of Rome of a representative sample of Italian cultural institutions answering the question: “What skills are needed to run a cultural organisation efficiently?” The text is designed to help university post-graduate programs align curricula with the actual needs of the field.

COLLANA IMPRESA E CULTURA - Our business and culture book series

  • La defiscalizzazione dell’investimento culturale. Il panorama italiano e internazionale (Tax breaks for cultural investments. The Italian and international scenarios published by Sipi, 2002) This book opens the new series of the Osservatorio Impresa e Cultura, it clarifies tax break for Italian companies investing in culture and compares Italian and international legislation.

  • Cultura e Competitività. Per un nuovo agire imprenditoriale. (Culture and Competitiveness, a new entrepreneurial approach published by Edizioni Rubbettino, 2003) explores the existing correlation between cultural investment and competitiveness in business.

  • Impresa e Arti Visive. Dalla sponsorizzazione alla progettualità (Business and the Visual Arts. From sponsorship to project building published by Edizioni Ibis, 2004) focuses on visual arts as the medium preferred by companies investing in culture.

  • Relazioni Vincenti. Conquistare le imprese oltre lo sponsor. 30 istituzioni culturali italiane raccontano come (Winning relationships. Winning over companies to go beyond sponsorship. 30 Italian cultural institutions tell you how published by Edizioni Sipi, 2005) an analysis of fund-raising policies implemented by 30 Italian cultural institutions that successfully partnered with the business community.

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